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​英國Guildford School of Acting (GSA)


紐約 American Musical and Dramatic Academy



廖志恒Jee Heng Liao 演員



表演領域: 跨足音樂劇、話劇、影視、舞蹈、肢體劇場以及配音。


教學專長: 表演、聲音歌唱訓練、音樂劇舞蹈、及演員肢體開發。


百老匯音樂劇《The King and I》全美巡迴演出、Off-Broadway製作《Anything Goes》、紐約TADA! 劇院《Romance of the Western Chamber》和Wold Arts Center《Throughly Modern Mille》等。並參與許多紐約劇場演出。

影像演出包含許多美國獨立電影及短片,並參與中國電視劇《我在北京等你》的演出。 出演獨立短 片《The Porns》 男主角獲得 Independent Shorts Awards及Indie Short Fest兩項影展團體傑出表演獎(Best Acting Ensemble)。


廣藝基金會及C-Musical合製音樂劇《徽因》、台南人劇團《仲夏夜之夢》音樂劇讀劇演出。參與商演包括蘇慧倫《生命之花》30週年演唱會、黃豪平脫口秀《HAHA LAND》、《你怎麼能不愛上Stand Up》MV、文化幣記者會演出...等。



TVBS新人營、快樂成長娛樂、喜歡音樂、台中國家歌劇院新起之秀、YoungVoice北流音樂夏令營、廣藝基金會音樂劇工作坊、Lynn University 音樂劇系、南台科技大學、國立中山大學...等。

About me

廖志恒Jee Heng Liao 演員

Jee Heng Liao is a bilingual performer, choreographer, and educator based in Taiwan. He received his Master of Arts in Musical Theatre (with Distinction) from the prestigious Guildford School of Acting, a leading drama school in the UK. Previously, he had undergone training in musical theatre performance at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York. Jee Heng holds a Bachelor's Degree in Acting from the National Taiwan University of Arts.

His favourite US credits include performances in the Broadway National Tour of The King and I, the Off-Broadway production of Anything Goes, and New Musical Romance of the Western Chamber at TADA! Theatre, and Thoroughly Modern Millie at the Wold Arts Center. He has also featured in numerous theatrical performances in New York.


As an actor, Jee Heng is also seen in many independent film projects. He took on the lead role in the comedy short film The Porns, earning the Best Acting Ensemble award at two film festivals: Independent Shorts Awards and Indie Short Fest.


After moving back to Taiwan, Jee Heng has consistently showcased his talents in theatre, music videos, and other commercial projects. In addition to his performances, he passionately shares his love for the arts through education. As a teacher, Jee Heng has conducted master classes and workshops at the National Taichung Theater, Quanta Arts Foundation, Taipei Music Center, and TVBS.

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